
Ags Galland

Hide Your Greens Smoothie

OK, hiding greens is never my intention as I actually love them (yep, I do). But this smoothie is packed with greens without actually being so green 🙂

Try it with some fresh and frozen ingredients; frozen fruit and veg add a bit of creaminess and I’m sure you’d agree that a colder smoothie tastes better. If you do not have any frozen produce, add a 2-3 cube of ice instead.

Adding extra protein will boost your smoothie even more, but it’s nor essential. It tastes great without it and if you want protein fix without a powder, add an extra 1 tbsp of hemp seeds or 1/2 tbsp of nut butter.

Depending on the ripeness of your banana, this smoothie isn’t overly sweet. I’d encourage you to train your taste buds to love less sweet flavours, but if you’re not ready for it yet, add a date or a dub of honey.


1 cup frozen broccoli

1/2 banana (fresh or frozen)

1 cup spinach (I used fresh)

1/4 avocado

1 heaped tbsp beetroot powder (or use 1 small cooked beetroot)

1 tbsp raw cacao powder

1 tbsp seeds of choice (I used a mix of sesame seeds and sunflower)

liquid – half and half of plant-based milk and water, 1 – 1 1/2 cup (depending on the consistency you prefer)

optional: 1 tsp honey or 1 date for a sweeter version, portion of protein powder for an extra protein boost


Simply add all into a high-speed blender and mix until smooth. If you like a ‘smoothie bowl’ style, start with 3/4-1 cup of liquid and add more in for a drinkable smoothie. What a way to start a day, enjoy! Oh, and let me know if you make it – I’d love to see or hear from you!