Bloom Coffee Almond Smoothie

If you want an extra kick in the morning and love coffee, this one is your ‘must’!

Super easy, minimal ingredients and, well.. smells coffee 🙂

The smoothie has no added sugar or fruit – just veg power, healthy fats and caffeine! So it’s on a bitter, dark chocolate side of flavors! Most of the sweetness comes from the protein powder. I use Vivo chocolate flavor which is nicely balanced and not very sweet (and I like it). If your powder is too sweet, you can use less of it (or swap it for a different one, hint hint!), to still keep balance of flavors and taste the coffee. If you want to add more sweetness to the smoothie, I suggest adding 1 soft date and blending it all for a few seconds longer.


2/3 cup coffee (cold) (approx. 150-160ml or sub double espresso)

1/4 cup plant based milk (60ml)

1 cup frozen cauliflower

1/2 tsp cinnamon

2 tbsp chocolate protein powder (I use Vivo Life)

1 tbsp almond butter

1 tbsp cacao nibs (or sub 1/2 tbsp raw cacao powder)


Make sure the coffee is cool or cold. Add all the ingredients to a blender and blend all up. Add more milk or water if you want it a little less thick. Enjoy immediately and enjoy the benefits!