Have you ever thought that every decision you make may be at the expense of another?

Picture this… :
- you can’t be everything to everyone every day
- it’s hard to accept you’re ageing, when all you stuck at is to be 25 again
- you can’t be everywhere at the same time
- you can’t learn everything there is on your favorite topic
- it’s hard to neglect your diet and expect the same fitness / body results
- you can’t say ‘yes’ to everything
- you can’t feel grateful when you focus on all ‘not-enoughness’ and lack
- it’s hard believe that growing older can bring fun and confidence when you’re stuck in denial or fear
- it’s not sustainable to have late nights and wake up early to move your body.
The thing is, you get to choose. You make choices, and your days are build on your choices. By choosing with intention to be ‘here’ you may not be able to be ‘there’.
How does it sit with you?
It doesn’t mean hard is impossible. Yet, fear of missing out or ‘wanting it all’ can be exhausting. Tiring, not sustainable long term. Sometimes by deciding one thing, you might miss out on another — accepting it will make your decisions easier. Those small daily decisions, like what to eat and who to spend your afternoon with, to those bigger life choices – like where to live or how to feel more fulfilled.
Yep, choices aren’t always easy or straightforward. But you can minimise the FOMO, by accepting that one sometimes cannot happen with another. So, what does need to happen so that you find that acceptance within you?
x Ags