Why Being Selfish Can be Helpful
I do not love when people confuse selfcare with being selfish. Do you?
My Type of Selfishness
When I focus on myself even for a few minutes a day, something magical happens. One of the things I do almost daily is wake up before everyone else in the house. It’s quiet, no one wants anything from me, I can be with my own thoughts. Kettle on, stretch, breathing. Feeling the stillness of the moment. Be. Bliss.
Could I clean my house instead? Or do laundry? Or iron my husband’s shirt? Scroll my phone? Sure, of course I could. But, I choose not to. That time is my own battery charging – so I can contribute more, show up more, give more. Be less resistant and snappy. Feel like I’m still me.
So where do you stand on selfcare vs. selfishness?
Repeat after me: selfcare isn’t selfish and I’m not a bad person for either wanting it or doing it.
Know your limits, listen to your needs like you do to your kids’. So many wonderful things start to happen when choose to put yourself first.
What is a small thing you can do today to charge your battery?