
Ags Galland


Easy goal setting coaching tips

What would you like to achieve…⁣

today, this weekend, next week, next year? ⁣

⁣I use it as ending with […] ‘this session’ sometimes to open up a conversation with a client during our coaching meet up. ⁣

Power of written words

Writing down your goals/intentions/aim/desire is important- it’s something formal and powerful about a pen and paper, pouring it all out in the open, making it more of a statement rather than a thought among the other millions of others in your head.

One way to do get used to it is to get a pen and a notebook first (could be obvious, but still..). Get yourself something you will want to grab and open and actually enjoy looking at. You can either carry it with you or keep it near your bed, coffee machine or desk at work (depends on when are you likely to have a few minutes to write – morning or evening? perhaps in the office?). ⁣This helps to create a habit and routine for you, all around your lifestyle.

Next, create the environment that will support the process. There are numerous ways you can do it, depends what works for you. You could use reminders, pretty pens, have a commute routine when you take out your notebook on a train, an accountability coach or a friend, maybe even do it with your partner. Hell, use 2 or 3 notebooks around the house or work desk if that helps you! Whatever works for you, flow and make it happen. You mind will find ways to convince you this is too hard, not a good idea and all that – don’t listen to it. The environment will support that process and new healthier habits will eventually become stronger. ⁣

If your aim is something related to wellbeing, healthier eating and habits- that’s fantastic! Shoot me a message or find me on Instagram to connect. Or you can simply just dive in deep and book a free health coaching discovery session with me – these are fabulous, and yes, free: )

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