Every year is almost the same. Even if you know someone well, it can be hard to come up with an original present that your friend or loved one will actually like and use. Presents do not need to be in a box or have a fancy expensive tag on them. What matters is a thought and appreciating someone’s effort. And, of course, it helps if someone knows you a bit and surprises you with that lovely thing you wanted to get yourself for a while, but somehow never did. On a humorous note, lately, I’ve been a fan of homemade ‘vouchers’ and they usually include the most desirable and special gift of all – TIME 🙂
If you have kids, you will know what I mean 😉 It’s wonderful to be offered a half day for myself and I will never wait too long to cash it in. The same goes for my husband – he never complains 😉 Babysitting time can be gold! Quality time alone and/or together as a couple is what we need to recharge and get our buckets full again. Whichever way you do it, please DO it and give yourself some self-love. We all can benefit from it, not only around Christmas!
‘Tis the season to feel loved and spread the love
If you are looking for traditional gift ideas, I combined a quick list for you. Below are things that are lovely to get for a health enthusiast, someone starting on a journey to wellbeing or wanting to keep it up.
For a warm drinks lover
coffee beans subscriptiontea making set, good quality matcha tea and bamboo set for making the tea, a set/sample of medicinal mushrooms to try, e.g. chaga (here’s my favorite brand), reishi (and here) (for home-made mushroom lattes)
For a busy mama
time-without-kids homemade voucher (see above 🙂 )massage voucher, mani/pedi session, new fun workout clothes, a beautiful eye mask, a book on her hobby
For a home cook
healthy cooking cookbook (there are TONS out there; some of my favorites and the ones I use on repeat are the Happy Pear, Minimalist Baker or Green Kitchen Stories), monthly delivery of fresh organic veggies (look for a local farm or Google ‘organic veg delivery’ in your area), new or upgraded kitchen items (e.g. a fun new scale for a baker, colorful lemon squeezer, fancy stainless steel lunch box, reusable cotton produce bags, tea cup), a spiralizer (so easy and fun to use).
For an eco planet loving warrior
canvas shopping and produce bags, reusable makeup removal pads, old school safety razor (men or women), reusable stainless steel or water bottle, a travel coffee mug (a nice tip: I got those for my toddler, comes in a set of 6 and I use them for my coffee or tea when on the go! they’re fab if you like ‘standard’ size coffee (up to 200/220ml).
For a social butterfly
gift certificate for a healthy cafe or restaurant, cinema ticket for 2, monthly membership or a class to try at a new yoga studio/gym/club (you can look for a new studio opening, they usually have some good deals)a new experience class (e.g. pottery, cooking, wine tasting etc.)
For a self-care guru
a nice journal/notebook (never enough of them, right? even better if it’s from recycled paper)a yearly plannersubscription to a meditation app (e.g. Headspace), self-development books (plenty to choose from; helps if you know your friend well!).
For a natural beauty enthusiast
natural makeup set to try (some brands to consider: Well People, RMS, Lily Lolo, Inika), reusable makeup removal pads or washcloth, coconut oil in a fancy jar (endless possibilities with coconut oil! body, face, hair, oil pulling..)a couple of good essential oils (frankincense, lavender or tea tree oil are wonderful for skin)a set of nice, natural soap bars
Do you have any other fun + healthy ideas? Please share below or over on Instagram, can’t wait to hear!
Ags x