Green peas – yes or no?
If you ask my children: 1 will say it’s yucky, the other one stuffs his face with it like it’s raisins! It is on e of the underrated and easy veggies to eat and add to your daily meals.
Green peas have a bad rep, but on the other hand, it’s loved by others. This veggie is packed with nutrients, pairs greatly with many flavors and is perfect snack food. It’s fairly easy to get it fresh in the summer, and available all year round as frozen or in a can -you can’t go wrong. Add it to salads, toss into scramble eggs, add to veggie burgers, make a dip and more. Plus, it costs less than a cup of coffee!
- 1 cup contains around 4g of protein, which is great for a plant. As a plant based protein, they are low in some essential amino acid (like methionine), so it’s always good to eat it along side a plant or a wholegrain / another food that contains its higher amounts (e.g. hemp seeds or quinoa)
- packed with vitamin C, which is a great antioxidant that helps to protect our cells from damages; also, supports immune system
- it will help you to stay regular and keep your digestive system in tact; 1/2 cup will give you approx.4g of fiber (adult women need around 25g/day)
- helps with sugar and energy spikes: fiber slows down absorption of the nutrients (especially carbs), so it helps with a slower more steady blood sugar levels
- promotes healthy & balanced gut environment, thanks to (again) fiber – fiber helps to feed the friendly bacteria in your colon, which means they can thrive and keep your gut healthy and support your immune and digestive system better
- rich in some key minerals like manganese, phosphorus and potassium- all of them are key for our metabolism and enzyme functions and play multiple roles in the body.
Green peas is mostly eaten in savory dishes- can be easily added to soups, salads or make a great side dish. It pairs perfectly with feta cheese, lemon or lime and mint and other herbs. Mashed with potatoes or tossed into an omelette is one of my favorite ways to add it to my diet- have you tried it? My toddler also loves it as a snack- what a perfect bite size to eat and play with (and it travels well as a snack on the go).
Ready to try some peas? Give this amazing simple dip a go and tell me what you think!
PS- the aim of this EAB series is not to tell you what you should specifically eat, but rather to get you excited about real food and show you how food widely available can be nutritious, delicious and and powerful.