Do Not To Lose Your Cool

DO NOT LOSE YOUR COOL when things don’t go as planned I bet you’ve been there too – having a busy day ahead or a full to do list. Never ending chores, things to do and lists running through your head. You feel stretched in a few directions, but (pretending) you’re still going strong. Some […]

Simple Ways to Improve Wellbeing

SIMPLE WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR WELLBEING (not what you might think) IS MENTAL HEALTH AND WELLBEING MORE IMPORTANT THAN PHYSICAL HEALTH? OR IS IT ANOTHER WAY AROUND? I sometimes wonder why can’t it all be just ‘health’. Surely, during the week like this one (Mental Health Awareness Week) we will hear things and read articles […]

How to Eat Healthier as a Family

HOW TO EAT HEALTHY AS FAMILY EATING WELL AND BEING AN EXAMPLE IN THE KITCHEN CAN BE TRICKY WHEN YOUR KIDS ARE YOUNG Are you tired of cooking 3 meals for each dinner, 5 times a week?  I believe that family cooking doesn’t have to be a drag! Start the kids small, be open talking […]

Moringa- Try This New Superfood Today

MORINGA- TRY THIS NEW SUPERFOOD TODAY EVER HEARD OF THE MIRACLE TREE? As you know by now, I love superfoods and always try to find new ways to learn more about them and smartly add them to my diet! Moringa tea (powder) (also named the miracle tree) is my newest favorite and I combined some […]

Being Healthy From the Inside

BEING HEALTHY FROM THE INSIDE HEALTHY FROM THE INSIDE- WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO YOU? ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ It may surprise you… but it ain’t all looks, calories or size that will mean you’re ‘healthy’. Changing outside alone won’t change the inside – your gut, mindset, digestions, emotions, thoughts. Flip it around Why not try another way […]

How to Stay Healthy on Holidays

HOW TO STAY HEALTHY ON HOLIDAYS WE ALL STRUGGLE WITH KEEPING UP WITH HEALTHY LIVING WHILE ON HOLIDAYS. All the temptations, no real routine, letting loose a bit, feeling ‘free’, less access to healthier food choices..⁣. It all adds up and can make us ditch our healthy habits we worked so hard on creating! ⁣⁣WHAT […]

Natural Immunity Booster and Cold Remedy

NATURAL IMMUNITY BOOSTER & COLD REMEDY THIS IS MY GO-TO IMMUNITY BOOSTER / COLD SYRUP HOW AND WHEN? I make a batch of it regularly throughout the winter. Depending on how many people take it, it may last for a week or a few. Best to keep in the fridge in a handly bottle or […]

Organic vs. Non-Organic Veggie Shopping

ORGANIC VS.NON-ORGANIC VEGGIE SHOPPING DO YOU ALWAYS BUY ORGANIC? THIS IS A QUESTION I GET ASKED A LOT! Organic has been a bit of a hype word over the last few years and sometimes we can get hung up on the labels. I do believe that due to the farming/ agriculture methods and soil quality, […]

Easier Way to Build Healthy Habits

EASIER WAY TO BUILD HEALTHY HABITS WHAT IF WE HAD A NEW EASIER WAY TO BUILD HEALTHIER HABITS?⁣ ⁣⁣How do you think it would go? ⁣⁣⁣⁣I’m a big believer that ‘small’ is the way to go. Big commitments, unrealistic ideas, not defined goals or our lack of awareness are the usual offenders when it comes […]

How to Create New Healthy Habits

HOW TO CREATE NEW HEALTHY HABITS WE ARE ALL CREATURES OF HABITS, Whether we like it or not. Habits can be good, beneficial, helpful or productive. There can be healthy habits or unhealthy ones. Habits can also be less useful, frustrating, destructive or addictive.  PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT Firstly, let’s start with a simple science lesson:  […]