How To Make Decisions Easier?

WHAT IF YOU DO THAT THING TODAY? Have you been there also? Waiting to make a decision? Making a change? Start something new? Making decisions can be a scary animal: we often can feel like not knowing what will happen is so paralysing. And, that fear of making the wrong decision. Oh, and also that […]
Mind-reading as a self talk

MIND READING AS NEGATIVE SELF-TALK This week, I wanted to share a quick story. It’s 2 of my favourite little peoples’ birthdays this week 🙂 (even though they will be 5 and 2, I still call them ma babies 🙂 If you’ve been following me for a little while, you probably noticed that I don’t usually share […]
One Thing You Can Do Today To Beat Overwhelm

ONE THING YOU CAN DO WHEN THINGS GET TOUGH Today’s idea may sound trivial to you. For a good reason. In times like this, we feel overwhelmed and stressed. Not sure about you, but for me, days got busier. It feels like there is less time and suddenly more things to do. Some days feel on edge; […]
What to Remember When Social Distancing

SOCIAL DISTANCING: HOW TO AVOID LONELINESS THIS IS A STRANGE TIME. I am writing this from the other side of the world (New Zealand) not knowing how long we will be here for. How the virus spreads? With the way the current situation evolves, there’s a strong recommendation that the general public implements social distancing […]
Why Being Selfish Can be Helpful

Why Being Selfish Can be Helpful I do not love when people confuse selfcare with being selfish. Do you? My Type of Selfishness When I focus on myself even for a few minutes a day, something magical happens. One of the things I do almost daily is wake up before everyone else in the house. […]
How to Ditch the Diet in January

HOW TO HANDLE THE DIET SYNDROME IN JANUARY ARE YOU STARTING THAT JANUARY DIET TOMORROW? In the world where everyone’s telling you to ditch the January detox and that new diet, I want to tell you something else. Chances are, you probably will do it anyway.. on some level. Regardless of what you read and […]
How to Be More Fearless and Why

HOW TO BE MORE FEARLESS AND WHY When was the last time you did something that scares you? Terrifies you? Kicks you out of your comfort zone that you can even no longer see it? I bet your answer is ‘I can’t remember’! And guess what, I was like that also. How to Become […]
What would you like to achieve…?

WHAT WOULD LIKE TO ACHIEVE…? Easy goal setting coaching tips What would you like to achieve… today, this weekend, next week, next year? I use it as ending with […] ‘this session’ sometimes to open up a conversation with a client during our coaching meet up. Power of written words Writing down your […]
Do Limiting Beliefs Keep You from Your Wellness Goals?

LIMITING BELIEFS AND YOUR WELLNESS GOALS STORIES WE HEAR AND TELL CAN BE SUCH POWERFUL TOOLS, WOULD YOU AGREE? The same goes for the stories we tell ourselves, in our heads – whether you realize it or not. Limiting beliefs reflect some of our core beliefs about ourselves and the world around us – they […]
Eating Seasonally: Tips and Benefits

EATING SEASONALLY: TIPS AND BENEFITS I’M SURE YOU’VE HEARD THE PHRASE ‘EAT IN SEASON’ BEFORE. BUT, WHAT DOES SEASONAL EATING REALLY MEAN? Now, close your eyes and imagine this: You’re out for a walk in the local park, leaves smell sweet and crunch each time you take a step. You’re biting into a tart, juicy […]