We all know it and love it, right? But do you know why eating it might be good for you?
This funny looking green fruit (yes, it’s a fruit, not a veg!) is nutritional powerhouse- it has a lot of key vitamins and minerals; are you ready to hear more?
How avocado helps you bloom?
- fiber – half of a standard size avocado will give you around 4.5g of fiber which is impressive! Fiber helps you to stay regular, keeps your digestive system healthy and helps to sweep away some of the toxins and waste from the digestive tract along the way.
- packed with healthy fats- the fat content is actually quite high, around 10g per half an avocado. But the composition of the fat is good- majority of the fat is mono saturated that is good for the heart and cholesterol levels. There’re actually studies done that show that regular avocado consumption may help with lowering the total cholesterol levels (and also lowering the LDL and increasing the HDL)
- great for your skin and hair- packed with healthy fats and vitamins that are fat soluble, avocado supports glowing skin and hair. One of the ways to use it externally is to take the inside of the peel and rub it on your skin. You can also use avocado oil as a base for your oil moisturizers (add ism essential oils and you’re good to go!)
- better weight management- thanks for the fatty content, avocado is quite filling and helps us to feel full (fat activates the satiety hormone nicely). It may mean 2 things: that you eat less overall or that you feel full for longer, so can skip the snacking
- high in a few B vitamins- which are B6, B5 and B2 and crucial for our energy production and metabolism
- powerful antioxidants – avocado contains hight amount of specific combination of phytonutrients; those are chemicals which are present only in plants and we need them for overall health and to protect our body and cells from damages (some see it it as ‘anti-aging’). There’re also studies done that might have a great impact as anticancer support.
My fav ways to eat avocado as savory is guacamole or as a pasta sauce with hint of lime and coriander. It’s also amazing in a smoothie or as a sweet treat- have you tried a quick chocolate mouse dessert or in brownies? #delicious
What is your favorite way to eat avocado?